May is National Historic Preservation month. A month dedicated to our history, our heritage, and to the historic buildings that have stood the “test of time” in our nation, region, and even our own hometowns. In honor of our this, Quaker Windows & Doors would like to remember many of the amazing historical renovation and restoration projects that we have been honored to be a part of during our more than 70 years in business.

Starting close to our main campus, the Gasconade County Courthouse in Hermann, MO was dedicated in 1898, and is thought to be one of the few remaining courthouses in the United States built entirely with private funds. While the building has suffered many renovations and updated through the years due to fire and architectural changes, Quaker Windows & Doors was honored to provide strong aluminum historical replication windows in 2015 as part of the most recent capital improvement campaign to restore the building and bring back her former glory. To learn more about the historic Gasconade County Courhouse, please visit